
Bolsius implements ROSE platform for holistic sustainability management

New Client announcement: Bolsius, Europe’s largest candle manufacturer, has selected ROSE as its all-in-one sustainability management platform.
Lorenzo Roveda
3 minutes

Bolsius, Europe’s largest candle manufacturer, has selected ROSE as its all-in-one sustainability management platform. This partnership, secured for a minimum of three years, marks a significant milestone in our journey toward fostering sustainability and innovation across various industries, including those with complex material supply chains.

A Few Words About Bolsius

Founded in 1870, Bolsius has transformed from a small family business into a global leader, renowned for its dedication to quality for over 150 years in the candle industry.The company offers an extensive range of candles, from dinner candles, to luxurious scents in over 55 countries.

Bolsius' Journey Toward Sustainability

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) presents a challenge for many companies, but Bolsius did not wait for the latest regulations to become a sustainable actor. They have established a dedicated sustainability team and consistently produce impact reports. Here are some highlights of their existing initiatives:

  • Impact Strategy: Based on three pillars—reduce, care, and engage—their strategy is central to the company's decision-making processes, influencing product innovations, partner relationships and engagement of its workforce.
  • Certified B-Corp: This certification recognizes Bolsius' commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
  • 1% for the Planet: Bolsius is a proud supporter of this global movement, inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through memberships and everyday actions.

How ROSE empowers Bolsius’ Sustainability journey 

ROSE will be Bolsius’ central hub for all sustainability topics. Data, reports, goals, and actions will be consolidated on a single platform, allowing any stakeholder to contribute directly within the tool.

  • Data Challenge: Bolsius manages complex supply chains with diverse data scattered across different systems involving both B2C and B2B product distribution. Together, ROSE and Bolsius will ensure data reliability and comparability and a comprehensive carbon footprint picture.
  • Mapping Data to the CSRD Framework: Clean and reliable data  stills needs to be mapped to match the CSRD requirements. ROSE is designed with this specific structure in mind.
  • Data-Driven Decisions for Long-Term Impact: Real-time data empowers Bolsius to make informed decisions based on their sustainability impact ensuring continuous improvement.

A quote from Stacie Hijmans, Head of Sustainability at Bolsius: 

"At Bolsius we are very excited about our recent partnership with ROSE; this was a strategic decision to future-proof our Sustainability management, tracking and reporting on the way to being CSRD ready. One of our key focuses is to ensure efficiency and value in everything we do; and we have the goal that via the ROSE platform we will consolidate effort and improve the speed and consistency of our information enabling us to be both data-driven and agile at the same time when making decisions on complex sustainability topics.”

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