A word from our CEO,
Thaïs de Tribolet
Working closely with over 40 companies on their sustainability, I noticed a pattern. I was leading the START Global initiative dedicated to increasing businesses’ Return On Society and the Environment (ROSE). And as I was consulting businesses, I saw that despite putting substantial effort to understand sustainability and develop improvement plans, implementing the change very often fell short. Many struggled and failed to meet their goals.
In 2022 my Product & Tech Co-Founder Johannes and I started building the team and the product which today helps companies in some of the most challenging sectors when it comes to sustainability, to actually understand, track & manage their sustainability, starting from data. Fueled by the CSRD standards, our users are able to benefit from the same rigor and transparency in their sustainability data as what is expected of their financial data.
For our customers, doing the right thing has become easier than ever before. And if you’re wondering if ROSE can also be the right tool and approach for your organization, contact us for a discovery call to see how we could help.
We look forward to making a difference with you.